
My High Carb Diet

I’ve been doing intermittent fasting every day, and it’s been going extremely well. I can’t believe how easy it is and how much healthier my body feels.

I have noticed that usually after lunch (my second meal) I get EXTREMELY tired. Ultimate food coma that makes it hard to do anything. Seriously.

I was looking up the benefits of intermittent fasting on YouTube and came across this video. It has extremely helpful information. It explains why high carb diet is probably causing my extreme fatigue. The suggested diet that he describes is incredibly different from how I’ve been eating. I eat a high carb diet not on purpose. I eat mostly vegan, I try to avoid gluten and dairy (for anti inflammatory purposes). I’ve always been a bit of a sugar addict, and I just tend to eat a high carb diet. I *might* consider adding in some of the foods he mentioned… I’m honestly not about forcefully changing how I eat anymore. But I AM all about adding in some new good recipes, and if it catches on then it will become a habit for me and turn into something that I crave. That is how behavior change works for me. Anyways…here is the video I watched. Enjoy!