
Juice, Juice, Baby

After feeling #inspired to live my #bestlife (sorry jk I’ll stop now)… I have eaten very healthy today especially considering I forgot to bring breakfast and lunch to work.

Now that I’m thinking about it…I haven’t eaten very much today. But I did just make an unbelievably delicious juice:

  • cucumber
  • carrots
  • romaine
  • spinach
  • 2 apples
  • orange

I am always surprised at how delicious fresh juice is. I am drinking about 32 ounces of that now and then I plan to have a salad.

I need to get better about planning in advance what I’m going to eat as my work schedule is a little bit all over the place right now. I think that when I know I will be away from home for a while and that I will be hungry it would be best to bring a smoothie along. Smoothies are great because you can take them just about anywhere and you can add a lot of calories, fat, and protein to help get you through the day.

From improving my diet I am hoping to achieve more energy, mental clarity, less headaches, and less chronic pain. And ultimately cure my Scleroderma (they say it’s impossible but I am up for the challenge!)