Mindfulness, Psychological Wellness

How To Do A Brain Dump When You Have “Too Many Ideas Syndrome”

I don’t know about you, but over the past few years of becoming more self-aware, I realized that I have way too many ideas. At first I wondered if it was Bipolar Disorder, the long time therapist I had laughed at me when I asked her about it and she said, “you definitely are not bipolar!”. She said it was most likely from having ADHD.

Too Many Ideas Syndrome

Recently I found out about “Too Many Ideas Syndrome”. It was so validating to find out about this! I match this description to a T! This is not a clinical diagnosis. I don’t know who came up with it but you’re not going to find it in the DSM-5.

This writer’s or creative block is often followed or interspersed with what we call the “Too Many Ideas Syndrome”. Or simply put TMIS i.e. having too many ideas at a single point in time. Or when ideas keep crashing onto each other, wave after wave, making it difficult to concentrate and accomplish any task.


Now that you know about that, here’s an amazing way to get the chaos flying around in your head organized. Even if you don’t have TMIS, you could be ADHD or even “normal” (ew) and this could still benefit you.

Check out these Brain Dump Ideas below. This is not my work, it is by Shelley from LetsLiveandLearn.com. Visit her page to see all of the details of this genius brain dump hack!

too many ideas

Let me know if you used any of these or have other ideas for organizing your…ideas! ๐Ÿ˜˜