
Groceries and Headaches

I’ve been doing the $40/week food challenge for a month or two and I have succeeded! BUT I have stopped focusing on the super healthier foods. When I’m tired from the week and all of my activities, responsibilities etc. I don’t have mental energy left over to figure out healthy super cheap meals. Especially thinking about keeping my weekly cost under $40 that makes the whole process of grocery buying and decision making, that much harder.

Starting 2 weeks ago I have had a lot of headaches and I’m not exactly sure why, I have some theories but I am going to eat more raw foods. I woke up this morning with a bad headache (after having one yesterday and slept almost all day) and I made a raw smoothie and my head feels better already. Lately my energy levels are sometimes good, but I usually have periods in the day where I’m absolutely exhausted and need to lay down on the couch. I really want to increase my energy and lessen my headaches.

As for groceries I am going to find some raw vegan recipes (even though I’ve eaten a raw diet before I’d like to find new recipes). And do some meal planning and then purchase groceries accordingly. I will try to keep the grocery cost low but I am not going to challenge myself to keep it under $40 anymore. That was fun but I want to prioritize my health and see where that takes me!