My Life, Psychological Wellness

How Sobriety Has Changed My Life

I never drank until I was 20 years old, and where I am from that is a late start, but once I did I continued to drink regularly and pretty heavily for 12 years. With my autoimmune condition, my body had a hard time handling it. I woke up with more hangovers than I would ever be able to count. Yet sometimes I wouldn’t be hungover…so I believe that is what kept me drinking. This past January (2019) I realized that even having 1 alcoholic beverage sometimes was like rolling the dice on whether or not my next day would be completely destroyed or not. I thought to myself, ‘why even roll that dice?’ So it’s been over 7 months and I have not played that game! My life has gotten significantly better, and I am much happier now that I am not drinking alcohol. I do miss it from time to time but not enough to ruin my entire next day. I have so many other things I love doing now such as painting (I wasn’t doing that while I was in my drinking stage), my new puppy, outdoor activities, mindfulness exercises, going to the gym, …manifesting my dream life!

In 12 years I haven’t gone 7 months without drinking, the most I ever went was maybe 2 months, MAYBE. This time it’s different. I didn’t decide to quit, I never made anything final, I just no longer want to participate in the consequences of feeling horrible the next day. I also don’t engage in activities where drinking is “required” because if I really felt the need to drink then maybe I wasn’t at the right place or with the right people to begin with! I believe now I am more aligned with my true self and I no longer have to force myself to do those activities just for something to do and to distract from the existential void.

I decided since the 7 months has gone so well and I never made a plan to completely quit, that I am going to round out the year remaining sober! I want to see how my life is when I spent an entire year sober.

If you’re intrigued with seeing my art please click here! Also find WildLuxe Art on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Patreon.